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List of products by manufacturer Salvadori Arte

The artistic foundry Salvadori Arte in Pistoia (Tuscany), casts works in bronze and other metals, using the technique called lost wax method.

The artistic foundry Salvadori Arte in Pistoia (Tuscany), casts works in bronze and other metals, using the technique called lost wax method, the same technique used through the ages first by the Egyptians, then by the Greeks, Etruscan and Romans.

The company produces sculptures, monuments, bronze statues and other metals on commission from a project or a model (even not to scale), and for direct sale with the articles on the list. In addition restoration projects are made on artworks in metal. Some of his works have been, and still are, displayed in some of the most famous museums and art galleries in the world, as well as in countless squares and gardens of art cities. The company operates in Pistoia (Tuscany) since more than 40 years, heir of the great Pistoiese metalworking tradition.


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